25 march 2016 at the School of Journalism & Communication, Marseille
Organisers: Fidelia Ibekwe(IRSIC) & Jean-Charles Dufour (SESSTIM), Aix-Marseille University
The latest advances in Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have accelerated the transition to digital existence for many activities in the public, professional and private spheres. The phenomena of Big Data, Cloud computing, Open Data and the participatory web are causing major upheavals for science and for society and are engendering innovations qualified as "disruptive" in the sense that they force displacements and a repositioning of the actors in the way of doing and thinking in all of the activities. At the same time, we can also highlight certain continuities, in the sense that more “classic” and structuring questions, scientific, societal, etc. allow to interrogate, understand and analyze with relevance the dynamics of change (and certain forms of permanence) carried by Big Data. The transformations that these phenomena engender give rise to many questions, debates and positions.
This 1 day workshop aims to bring together the Aix-marseille University's (AMU) scientific community to initiate discussions on the epistemological, ethical, cultural, political, social, legal, economic and communication challenges of Big Data.
It was organised in the framework of my membership in the Big Data group at AMU, PR2I Big Data (Intersectorial & Interdisciplinary Research Pole at AMU).
More details on the programme and speakers:
This 1 day workshop aims to bring together the Aix-marseille University's (AMU) scientific community to initiate discussions on the epistemological, ethical, cultural, political, social, legal, economic and communication challenges of Big Data.
It was organised in the framework of my membership in the Big Data group at AMU, PR2I Big Data (Intersectorial & Interdisciplinary Research Pole at AMU).
More details on the programme and speakers: